Saturday, February 28, 2009


Located in beautiful Saratoga, NY, Skidmore College is less than an hour from us. 2400 undergraduates attend coming from 40 states and 30 countries. 60% are female. The current campus was built in the 1970’s or more recently with a new music building just about completed. So things are quite new although the college has existed for nearly a century. Their main dining hall was awesome and loved by the students! The current campus is huge, if you take in to account a wooded area said to be the size of Central Park, but the area containing all the buildings is compact enough to easily walk in a few minutes. It is a nice looking campus with many covered walkways for those who don’t wish to fully brave the NY winters.
Skidmore has 65 majors with English, business, studio art, psych, poli sci, biology, and international affairs being (in order) the top 7. Dance, theatre and music are also strong programs and points of emphasis on campus.
The bill here is $50,000 and half the students are able pay this amount without financial aid from the college. They are a ‘need aware’ school.

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